Run complex tasks with one click

Transform your SAP operations from manual to automated.

See automation in action
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Move fast, break nothing

Accelerate your SAP operations and implement innovations faster, all while maintaining the integrity and security of your landscape.

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Empower teams

Click-to-run automations allow any user to perform tasks without requiring domain-specific experts. Role-based access controls and an audit trail help maintain oversight of all activities across the landscape.

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Reduce error

Automation improves change tracking and repeatability, facilitating the fine-tuning of automations. This helps to minimize errors commonly associated with complex manual processes.

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Improve security

Security is a dynamic and complex necessity. Automation aids in auditing and monitoring, helping to align with security requirements and adapt to evolving standards.

Automate SAP operations with Nuve

The heart of our platform lies in its powerful automation capabilities. Instead of waiting days or weeks, you can deploy automations within minutes. This remarkable speed allows you to scale operations, respond swiftly to business needs, and maintain a competitive edge, all with reduced time and cost constraints.

The power of automation for SAP systems

In a digital world that demands speed and efficiency, automation is no longer optional - it's a requirement. At Nuve, we harness the power of automation to revolutionize the way you handle SAP operations, opening up a host of opportunities that were previously unattainable.


Perform nearly zero-downtime refreshes. Refresh any development or test system with the click of a button, including configuring external interfaces, importing open transports, and anonymizing your data with third-party tool integration.


Systems often require stop/start for various use cases, but the complexity can make this challenging for non-Basis resources. During OS patching, an authorized user can handle the stop/start with the click of a button. For underutilized systems, scheduling is just a few clicks away.


The complexity of upgrades can leave many companies lagging. With automation, you can easily implement upgrades, validate the results, and repeat the process across systems in your landscape with just one click.

New possibilities

< Provisioning >

Project teams frequently need access to systems for short-lived projects. With cloud technology and our automation platform, this process is easier than ever. Estimate the cost of the system for the project lifecycle, then provision your system with just one click.

< Restarts >

When a restart of a non-productive system is required, there's no need to coordinate with users, developers, and Basis staff. With just one click, you can restart the system as needed. Automation allows you to send alerts to users, giving them a short grace period to save their work or schedule the restart during off-hours.

< Patching >

Patching and updating with service packs are critical yet often time-consuming parts of SAP operations. Automation makes this process as seamless as possible, allowing you to test in an isolated system if desired, then implement across your environments.

See automation in action

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